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Daly City Police Department
Thursday January 11th, 2018 :: 10:26 a.m. PST


Coyote Alert

We want you to be aware that coyotes have been recently seen in the Southern Hills area. One resident on Southridge Way (next to San Bruno Mountain Park) sent us these images she took from her window one afternoon last week.

Coyotes are actually fairly common in urban areas and suburbs. They look similar to a small German shepherd dog or a large fox. They usually prefer not to interact with people, but sometimes conflicts do occur. Simply seeing a coyote does not mean there is a problem, but they are wild animals and can be dangerous. The most common complaints regarding coyotes are that people worry for the safety of their children, pets and the elderly.

We offer the following suggestions regarding coyotes:
• Do NOT approach them and encourage them to approach you.
• Do not run away from them as it may trigger a hunt or play instinct, but rather raise your arms above
your head, act aggressively and yell.
• If the coyotes does not run away or acts aggressively towards you, retain eye contact and stay facing
the coyote, wave a stick or throw an object, pick up children or small pets, and move to an area of
increased activity.
• Keep your pets indoors from dusk to dawn.
• Do not leave pet food outside overnight.
• Be careful when walking your dog during the dusk/dawn hours.

Thank you!

Daly City Police Department
333 90th St
Daly City, CA 94015

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 650-991-8119

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