Sex Offender Compliance Checks
On June 15th and 16th of 2018, Sheriff’s detectives assigned to the Criminal Investigations Bureau conducted plain clothes surveillance and compliance checks on 81 sex offenders registered in the City of Goleta, City of Carpinteria, Montecito, Summerland and unincorporated areas of Santa Barbara. The purpose behind these compliance checks is to ensure accurate and verifiable information is provided during the annual, and in some cases monthly, registration process, and to maintain suitable supervision of the offenders in the community.
Upon conclusion of this two-day operation, 208 offenders records were reviewed, which prompted the random check of eighty-one (81) registered sex offenders. Of these checks, fifty-seven (57) registrants were found to be in compliance with their registration requirements. Twenty (20) registrants were not home and unable to be contacted. Four (4) registrant were found to be in out-of-compliance, prompting further investigation by detectives. One (1) warrant arrest was made for a non-sex offender warrant. These compliance checks are part of the Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement (SAFE) Program.
The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office will be conducting similar sweeps on an ongoing basis, to verify registered sex offenders are living at their reported residences and in compliance with any probation or parole terms. Residents of Santa Barbara County can visit the Megan’s Law website ( to familiarize themselves with the sex registrants in their community.
Santa Barbara County Sheriff
4434 Calle Real
Santa Barbara, CA 93110
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 805-681-4192