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Beaufort County Sheriff's Office
Tuesday August 13th, 2019 :: 12:48 p.m. EDT


Alligator incident in Sun City last night. Woman bitten and hospitalized. Please be careful near lagoons and ponds

At around 10:00 last night, the Sheriff's Office, the Bluffton Fire District and Beaufort County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) responded to Landing Lane in Sun City to an incident in which a woman was bitten and injured by an alligator. The woman reported that she was bitten by the alligator while walking her dog between two houses approximately 25 yards away from a pond. The woman—bitten on her leg and hand/wrist—was transported by EMS to Savannah Memorial for treatment.

The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) was notified and responded to investigate the incident. SCDNR officers contacted alligator control agents—under state contract—to respond and assist with locating the alligator, which was described as being between 8 and 9 feet in length. Sometime later, an alligator of that size was found coming out of the pond close to where the woman was bitten. That alligator was captured, removed and euthanized by the alligator control agents. The SCDNR is still investigating the incident. 

Though these type of incidents are infrequent, we urge Beaufort County residents and guests to be mindful of alligators and to please be careful when walking near ponds and lagoons—especially at night when visibility is limited. 

As of this afternoon, the injured woman remains hospitalized in Savannah. We extend our prayers and thoughts for her speedy recovery.

The Beaufort County Sheriff's Office appreciates your partnership and continued commitment to the safety of our community.   

Beaufort County Sheriff's Office
2001 Duke St
Beaufort, SC 29902

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 843-255-3200

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