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City of Asbury Park NJ
Thursday June 4th, 2020 :: 04:32 p.m. EDT


A message from Mayor & Council Re Tomorrow’s (6/5) March. Click for details.

We are expecting a peaceful march tomorrow, Friday, 6/5/2020 in support of social justice and police accountability. The march is being held by PEACEBYU and will begin at Library Square Park, continue down Asbury Avenue to Main Street, and end at Police Headquarters at One Municipal Plaza. The march will begin at 3pm and is anticipated to end by 7pm.

The Asbury Park Police Department has met and coordinated details of the event with the organizers of the march, PEACEBYU.

All attendees are encouraged to wear face coverings to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

To protect the safety of the organizers and attendees of the protest, and our residents, the City’s Emergency Management Coordinator has imposed a curfew for the City of Asbury Park beginning at 8pm Friday 6/5/20 through 5am Saturday 6/6/20.

Additionally, for the safety and protection of all parties, Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office and Asbury Park Police Department encourage all attending media to contact Sergeant Michael Casey at  [email protected] in advance of the event for updates, identify themselves when encountered by Law Enforcement, and ensure media credentials are clearly visible.

City of Asbury Park NJ
1 Municipal Plz
Asbury Park, NJ 07712

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 732-775-2100

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