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Cypress Police Department
Sunday December 5th, 2010 :: 01:34 p.m. PST


has an important safety message for the holidays. Follow this link for more details

Holiday Season Crime Alert

Safety Information

During the holiday season, law enforcement experiences an increase in residential burglaries, vehicle burglaries and auto theft. To protect your home and personal items please follow these simple safety tips:

At home:
Keep the doors and windows of your home locked at all times
Keep your garage door shut and locked
Don’t leave bicycles or other valuables unattended outside
Keep your house well lit, preferably with low-voltage or LED lighting
If you are going out of town:
o Suspend delivery of your newspaper and mail
o Request vacation house checks from the police volunteers – form available online at
o Notify your neighbors that you will be gone and leave a contact number
o If you have an alarm, set your alarm and notify your alarm company

When you park your car:
Keep the windows shut and doors locked, remove your keys, and set your alarm
Don’t leave packages or personal items, especially purses, cell phones and laptops in plain view
Don’t park in a desolate area of the parking lot; instead, park in a well lit area

While shopping:
Shop with a friend or relative if possible, there is safety in numbers!
Be aware or your surroundings and any strangers lurking nearby
Don’t carry a lot of cash and protect your credit card information from others while you are standing in line or conducting a credit card transaction
Lock your packages in your trunk out of sight. Be aware of anyone watching to see if you walk away from your car. If you notice someone lurking, call the police.
When you get home, try not to draw attention to the items purchased
Monitor your bank account routinely for unusual activity
Use ATMs during daytime when possible or where plenty of people are around

Please report any suspicious activity in your neighborhood to
Cypress Police Department at (714) 229-6600 or
Dial 9-1-1 for emergencies
In order to receive instant secure messages by text and/or email from the Cypress Police Department, register at

Cypress Police Department
5275 Orange Ave
Cypress, CA 90630

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 714-229-6600

Tom Bruce
Public Information Officer

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