Cypress Police to hold DUI/Driver's license checkpoint on Thurs, Dec. 30,2010, from 7pm - 2am within the city limits 
As party-goers celebrate the holidays with friends and family, everyone should heed Cypress Police Department’s warning to keep the party off the road or be ready to face the consequences. Law Enforcement will be out in force beginning December 17th through the New Year’s weekend cracking down on anyone caught drunk or drugged behind the wheel.
Cypress Police Department will be conducting a DUI/Driver License checkpoint in partnership with the Avoid DUI Task Force Campaigns and law enforcement nationwide on Thursday, December 30, 2010, from 7pm until 2am at an undisclosed location within the city.
“After hearing about the dangers of drinking and driving time after time, most people have gotten the message that if they’re planning on drinking, they should always plan a safe way home,” said Cypress Police Chief Mark Yokoyama. “But sadly, too many Americans still think they are invincible and regularly choose to get behind the wheel after having too much to drink.”
Cypress Police Department said parents should take note that young males are at particularly high risk, with nearly one-quarter admitting to riding with someone who should not have been behind the wheel in the past year.
“We know that the holiday season can be one of the deadliest and most dangerous times on America’s roadways due to an increase in drunk driving,” said Chief Yokoyama. “Don’t let your 2010 end in an arrest or worse, injury or death. Remember, whether you’ve had way too many or just one too many, it’s not worth the risk!”
During last year’s two and half week Winter Holiday campaign, 36 Californians were killed in crashes statewide with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher and another 1,168 were injured in alcohol involved wrecks. In Orange County, there were no fatalities, however 110 people went to jail for DUI with a BAC of .08 percent or higher.
Funding for this operation is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
For more information on local and statewide Avoid DUI Task Force Campaign Enforcement Schedules and Daily DUI Arrest/Fatal Stats, visit the The Program is funded by the California Office of Traffic Safety who reminds everyone to please – Report Drunk Driving – Call 9-1-1!
Cypress Police Department
5275 Orange Ave
Cypress, CA 90630
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 714-229-6600
Tom Bruce
Public Information Officer