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Cypress Police Department
Monday January 3rd, 2011 :: 11:21 a.m. PST


Holds two DUI/D.L. checkpoints over the holiday week. 11 arrests made. Report drunk drivers. Call 911.

Over the holiday week, the Cypress Police Department conducted two DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoints, the first on Monday, December 27, 2010, and the second on Thursday, December 30, 2010. These checkpoints were part of the City of Cypress’ commitment to public safety during the holidays. Several police volunteers and police explorers were on hand to assist with the effort.

The location of Monday’s checkpoint was on Lincoln west of Moody in the eastbound lanes and Thursday’s checkpoint was on Katella west of Valley View in the eastbound lanes. The goal of these checkpoints was to remove impaired drivers from the roadway and to bring awareness to the public about the dangers of driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

The results of Monday’s checkpoint are
as follows:

Vehicles thru checkpoint 975
Drivers screened for license or DUI violations 46
DUI Arrests 2
Drug Arrests 1
Warrant Arrests 4
Unlicensed driver citations 12
Total citations 18
Vehicles Towed 9
30 day impounds 7

The results of Thursday’s checkpoint are as follows:

Vehicles thru checkpoint 1420
Drivers screened for license or DUI violations 51
DUI Arrests 3
Warrant Arrests 1
Suspended license citations 2
Unlicensed driver citations 22
Total citations 29
Vehicles Towed 22
30 day impounds 18

The checkpoints were funded by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest.

Cypress Police Department
5275 Orange Ave
Cypress, CA 90630

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 714-229-6600

Tom Bruce
Public Information Officer

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