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LASD - East Los Angeles Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
Tuesday August 16th, 2011 :: 05:18 p.m. PDT


Military Order of the Purple Heart Elects William Hutton as National Commander (former East LA deputy 1969-1971)

Bill Hutton enlisted and served in the United States Marine Corps from 1965-1969 and was assigned to the Third Battalion, Fourth Marines, Third Marine Division during his tour of duty in Vietnam (1966).

While serving in Vietnam, he was wounded three times with the last occurring on September 28, 1966 while leading his company up Hill 400, which was well fortified with North Vietnamese machine gun bunkers and had held off the Marine Company for two days. For his actions, Bill was awarded the Silver Star, Purple Heart medal with second star and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry.

After returning to the states, Bill was assigned to the Military Police in Santa Ana, California. While serving in that capacity, he was sent on temporary orders to attend the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Academy for an intense 16 week course in law enforcement procedures.

After graduation, Bill returned to the Marine Air Facility in Santa Ana and was assigned to the Criminal Investigation Division (CID). Hutton was honorably discharged from the Marine Corps as a Staff Sergeant (E-6) in 1969.

In April, 1969, Bill joined the ranks of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department where he served in every major division including narcotics for over thirty five years. In 1993, Bill was awarded the Medal for Bravery and the Distinguished Service Award for saving the life of a fellow deputy whose weapon had been taken in a struggle with a "Hell's Angel" motorcycle club member who was under the influence of heroin.

Bill worked East Los Angeles Sheriff's Station as a deputy from 1969-1971.

Bill has been a member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart since 1997 and has held every leadership position in the Order up to and now including, National Commander. Bill is most proud of his work as a Department Service Officer and his close relationship with the hard working National Service Officers who provide services to our veterans and their families through the National Service Program of the Military Order of the Purple Heart..

Hutton’s goals during his tenure as Commander include improving all aspects of service to veterans and their families, expanding and improving the National Service Program of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, improving communications at all levels within the organization, and expanding the active involvement of local chapters and state departments in veteran support activities.

The organization now known as the "Military Order of the Purple Heart of the U.S.A. Inc.," (MOPH) was formed in 1932 for the protection and mutual interest of all combat wounded veterans and active duty men and women who have received the decoration. Chartered by the Congress.

The MOPH is unique among Veteran Service Organizations in that all its members were wounded in combat. For this sacrifice, they were awarded the Purple Heart Medal. With grants from the MOPH Service Foundation, the MOPH and its Ladies Auxiliary promote Patriotism, Fraternalism, and the Preservation of America's military history. Most importantly, through veteran service, they provide comfort and assistance to all Veterans and their families, especially those requiring claims assistance with the VA, those who are homeless, and those requiring employment assistance.

Through the VAVS program, MOPH volunteers selflessly provide assistance to hospitalized veterans at VA medical facilities and State Veterans Homes.

News Release
Military Order of the Purple Heart
National Headquarters

National Public Relations Director, John Bircher, 352-753-5535


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