Sheriff's Airborne Special Weapons Team Security Escorts (LASD air photos)

(View photos by clicking on the hyperlink at the bottom of this message)
Sheriff's Aero Bureau pilots and tactical flight officers with the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, fly helicopter patrol and rescue missions every day. Meanwhile, multiple Sheriff's Special Enforcement Bureau- Special Weapons Teams are available around the clock, and frequently deploy in high risk situations throughout the county, on land, sea, and in the sky.
This 9/11 weekend, multiple sheriff's helicopters with Special Weapons Team deputies on board, have been flying special security check missions of what are considered to be critical infrastructures. These include public transportation, the ports, airports, freeways, the Los Angeles County Fair, and more.
These sheriff's airborne special weapons team security escorts paid special attention to Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) and Metrolink trains and buses. This included airborne escorts of Green, Blue, Purple, and Gold Line light rail trains, and Metrolink trains as they traveled carrying passengers on their routes. Attention was also paid to passenger stations, including Red Line subway stations, Union Station, and other Metro stations and facilities. Also, Orange Line and Metro buses throughout Los Angeles County received special air patrols.
These efforts were in addition to increased ground and sea security deployments by multiple policing agencies to maximize public safety.
Special photos can see viewed by clicking on the hyperlink at the bottom of this message. 1) Union Station 2) Blue Line 3) Green Line 4) LA County Fair. (Note: photos are "Copyright Skip Robinson, special for the LASD.")
If You See Something, Say Something.
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Captain Mike Parker
Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
News Release - Sept. 9, 2011
LASD Metro Transit Deployments for 9/11 Anniversary
During the 9/11 anniversary, Los Angeles Metro Protective Services, including the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Transit Services Bureau and Metro Security, will be deploying personnel and equipment on the transit system, to enhance the safety and security of the Los Angeles Metro riding public. During this time we will be emphasizing:
. High Visibility Deployments and Presence of Uniformed personnel
. Supplemental use of Plainclothes Personnel
. Conduction of Random Mobile Baggage Searches
. Deployment of K-9's
. Monitoring of Threat Potentials
. Establishing and Maintaining Liaisons with Local and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies
. Real Time Monitoring of the Situation through the Emergency Operations Center
Although there have been no specific threats against the transit system for 9/11, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and Metro are committed to the safety of their patrons, will remain vigilant, and exert every effort to curtail any potential threat to the system and the riding public. We also ask the public to participate in the "If You See Something Say Something" program by reporting any suspicious activity at any Metro Station, or onboard any Metro bus or train at 1-888-950-SAFE (7233) or (323) 563-5000.
Partner to prevent or report crime by contacting your local sheriff’s station. Or, if you wish to remain anonymous, call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or using the website
Dan Cruz, Captain
Sheriff's Metro Transit Services Bureau
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
(323) 563-5000
Forwarded by:
Mike Parker, Captain
Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau - Newsroom
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
(323) 267-4800
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Leroy D. Baca, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
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(Click on the hyperlink below to see some of the photos taken over the 9/11/11 weekend deployment. 1) Union Station 2) Blue Line 3) Green Line 4) LA County Fair
LASD - Transit Services Bureau
LACMTA Rail Operations Control
Los Angeles, CA 90059
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 323-563-5000