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Milltown Police Department
Friday March 2nd, 2012 :: 06:25 a.m. PST


Severe Weather Alert. Severe Thunderstorms and Possible Super Cell Tornados are possible this afternoon and evening,

The Milltown Police Department Emergency Operations Center is requesting that you activate you emergency weather plan now. Severe thunderstorms and super cell tornados are very possible for our area this afternoon and evening. If you live in a mobile hme you are encouraged to relocate to a friends or realitives home, especially if they have a basement. Please report any emergency to 911 immediately and monitor this developing weather situation via your local radio and TV stations.

Milltown Police Department
212 Hancock Street
Milltown, IN 47145

Emergency: 9-1-1

Ray Saylor
Milltown Police Department Emergency Operations Center
[email protected]

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