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Johnson County Sheriff's Office
Friday April 13th, 2012 :: 10:33 a.m. EDT


An increase of thefts and burglaries has occurred near you. Visit for specific details and to report tips.

Johnson County Sheriff Doug Cox wants to inform you about recent criminal activity.

The Sheriff's Office is currently investigating a rash of thefts from vehicles in the Windsong, Windsong Estates, Sheffield Park, and Old Smith Valley areas of White River Township, Johnson County, Indiana.

The suspect(s) are operating primarily between the hours of 3am and 5am and are checking cars for valuables, OR entering garages and taking items from garages or vehicles parked inside garages IF the homeowner has forgot to shut the garage door.

How can you help us apprehend these suspect(s)? Simple! REPORT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY - IMMEDIATELY! We would ask that area residents be extra vigilant; watch for people walking in backyards wearing dark clothing, pulling on car doorhandles, etc.

IF YOU SEE SOMEONE SUSPICIOUS, here are some things NOT to do: Do NOT approach them. Do NOT speak to them. Do NOT turn on multiple lights outside your home to scare them away. Here is what you can do to help us: If you see someone suspicious in these neighborhoods in the early morning hours, please call 911 without delay. Notify the dispatchers of what you see and the direction the person(s) is/are walking. Give them as much information as you can. It is critical that you call immediately and not wait 10 minutes to think about what you just saw. It is also critical that you not alert the individual that they have been spotted (by flipping on lights or yelling that the police are on the way, etc.)

It is with your cooperation that we will be able to catch the thieves and hold them accountable for their actions.

Thank you for your time and assistance!


Sheriff Doug Cox

If you have information to report that could help lead to an arrest in this crime/crime activity, please contact the Sheriff's Office at

Johnson County Sheriff's Office
1091 Hospital Rd
Franklin, IN 46131

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 317-736-9155

4800 W Smith Valley Rd
Greenwood, IN 46142

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