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LASD - Avalon Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
Saturday August 18th, 2012 :: 01:17 p.m. PDT


Cops Swim Catalina to Cabrillo Beach to Benefit Abused Kids: Sat-Sun,9pm-10am. "999 For Kids" LASD

(Photos - Click on hyperlink at bottom of this message)

The “999 For Kids” fund benefits children with physical and mental challenges throughout Los Angeles County. These kids were the victims of the most severe cases of child abuse, neglect and family violence. Law enforcement has seen the pain suffered by these kids and participates in the "999 For Kids" to help.

The Catalina Island to Cabrillo Beach (San Pedro) all night relay swim helps raise funds and support purchasing much needed equipment and specialized services for these children. The swimmers obtained pledges from donors who want to help too.

On Sat. Aug. 18 at 10:00PM, ten swimmers from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and one swimmer from the Los Angeles Police Department will swim through the cold waters of the Catalina Channel (approximately 26 nautical miles) beginning Saturday, August 18th at 9:00 p.m. and will finish about 13 hours later on Sunday morning, August 19, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. at Cabrillo Beach (3720 Stephen M White Drive, San Pedro, California 90731.)

2012 Swimmers: Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Assistant Sheriff Cecil Rhambo, Chief Dave Betkey, Captain Phil Hansen (Retired), Lieutenant Joe Badali, Deputy Luca Gaetani, Deputy Dean La Chasse, Deputy Ryan Kearns, Deputy Welby Cham, Public Information Officer Nicole Nishida, Legal Advisor Rick Brouwer, and Los Angeles Police Department Officer Kara Clifford.

This is the fourth annual "999 For Kids" swim. There have been many adventures during prior swims including when a whale swam close enough for a photo and waved to a swimmer and lifeguard (on surf board) in 2011 (see photo). Read details and see photos from the 2011 swim, with history and goals to help kids in need:!ut/p/c4/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3hLAwMDd3-nYCN3M19LA0_nEDPvMJMAQ39jA_2CbEdFAFVdgp4!/?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/lasd+content/lasd+site/home/home+top+stories/catalina+island+to+cabrillo+beach+relay

About "The 999 For Kids"
“999 is the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s radio code for "Deputy Needs Immediate Assistance.” We are working to provide “immediate assistance” to our kids in need. With everyone's help, we can answer every call for help as quickly as possible.

In 1985, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, and the Department of Children and Family Services joined together and organized the 999 for Kids Program. This Program was developed to help children with physical and mental challenges throughout Los Angeles County, who are victims of the most severe cases of child abuse, neglect and domestic violence.

The Specialized Medical Placement and Deaf Services Units of the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services are responsible for the care of more than 1,000 of these foster children who benefit from the 999 for Kids program. Although tax dollars provide for the basic needs of these children, there are no funds available for the needs that go beyond basic care.

The 999 for Kids Program raises money for the purpose of purchasing special items and services for these children i.e., sport wheelchairs, computers, special education classes, medically oriented toys and games. Major fund raising events include: a Child Abuse Awareness Pledge Drive sponsored by the various units in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

Additionally, a Christmas Party sponsored by the Sheriff’s Training Bureau and a Recognition Awards/Ice Cream Social ceremony sponsored by the Sheriff’s Special Victims Bureau are held annually.

Only in the past few years has the 999 For Kids gone public. Prior to that, all funds raised was through LASD employees. After many inquiries from outside the LASD, we began to share with the public what 999 For Kids is all about.

The 999 for Kids program depends in great part on donations from generous individuals, business partners, and corporate sponsors. Your donation is fully tax deductible and helps fund the additional needs of our children. Thank you for your support

If interested in assisting, donations can be sent to:
Sheriff’s Youth Foundation
Attention: 999 for Kids Program
4700 Ramona Blvd. , 4th floor
Monterey Park, CA. 91754
(Corporate Federal Tax ID# 95-4047797)

Captain Mike Parker
Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau – Newsroom
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
(323) 267-4800
Twitter @LASD_News!/LASD_News

Leroy D. Baca, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

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(Photos- Click on hyperlink below)

LASD - Avalon Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
215 Sumner Ave
Avalon, CA 90704

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 310-510-0174

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