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Suffolk County Police - 5th Precinct
Tuesday March 19th, 2013 :: 12:14 p.m. EDT


Prevent Theft From Vehicles

Theft from vehicles occurs frequently, and in many cases it is easy to prevent. Regardless of whether your vehicle is parked in your driveway, at work, at the mall, or fitness club, it is important you lock your vehicle and follow a few simple steps to make your vehicle less of a target.

Many items that get stolen from vehicles often occur because the vehicles were left unlocked over night, or valuables were easily visible to people passing by. Remember, lock your doors whenever possible and remove personal items or packages from plain site, including:

· GPS or GPS Mounting Hardware
· Cell Phone and Cords
· Electronic Devices such as laptops
· ipods and other portable music devices
·Shopping bags and other packages
· Loose Change
· Clothing such as jackets, purses, wallets, etc.
· Car Keys

Suffolk County Police - 5th Precinct
125 Waverly Ave
Patchogue, NY 11772

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 631-854-8500

Captain Christopher Bergold

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