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Suffolk County Police - 5th Precinct
Friday June 7th, 2013 :: 06:19 p.m. EDT


Fifth Precinct Community Meetings

The following are the dates for the Fifth Precinct community meetings for the remainder of the year:

July 2
August 6
September 3
October 1
November 5
December 3

Please note all of the above meetings will be held at the Patchogue Medford Library, with is located at 54-60 East Main Street in Patchogue Village. We hope to see you there

Suffolk County Police - 5th Precinct
125 Waverly Ave
Patchogue, NY 11772

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 631-854-8500

Captain Christopher Bergold

54 East Main Street
Patchogue, NY 11772

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