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Johnson County Sheriff's Office
Thursday September 5th, 2013 :: 09:09 a.m. EDT


Johnson County Sheriff's Office Community Day

The Johnson County Sheriff's Office has slated the first Sheriff's Office Community Day for Saturday September 7th from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm.

This first ever event will showcase the specialty teams and vehicles for the agency. SWAT, EOD, Scuba.

We will have a blood drive in honor of fallen police officers in Indiana. We will also have receptacles for everyone to bring in their unwanted or outdated prescription medications.
The Youth Assistance and Crime Prevention team will be on sight making ID cards for the children in attendance. Snacks will be available.

Please come out and join us and see what your local Sheriff's Office has available to them in order to serve and protect you and your loved ones.

Johnson County Sheriff's Office
1091 Hospital Rd
Franklin, IN 46131

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 317-736-9155

Grant Black
Director of Communications

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