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Rocky River Police Department
Thursday February 6th, 2014 :: 01:39 p.m. EST


See important message from City of Rocky River regarding salt supply in our City.

Due to lack of consistent road salt deliveries across the State, the City of Rocky River continues to ration our existing salt supply. The City of Rocky River will continue to use our salt mixture on main roads, hills, inclines and busy intersections; however, we continue to urge caution when driving.

Contrary to recent media reports, the City of Rocky River at no time has depleted its supply or been without road salt. We have been informed that a salt delivery will be made this week to fulfill our current order. We appreciate everyone taking extra time when traveling as we continue to keep our community safe and, together, traverse winter weather in Northeast Ohio.


Pamela E. Bobst, Mayor

Rocky River Police Department
21012 Hilliard Blvd
Rocky River, OH 44116

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 440-331-1234

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