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LASD - Walnut/Diamond Bar Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
Friday February 14th, 2014 :: 11:17 a.m. PST


(Update) Deputy Involved (Hit) Shooting, 19100 blk of Elberland Street, unicorporated West Covina (Co.), #LASD

(UPDATE) Deputy Involved (Hit) Shooting, 19100 blk of Elberland Street, unicorporated West Covina, #LASD

Hi SHB Group,

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Homicide detectives are continuing their investigation into the circumstances surrounding a Deputy Involved (Hit) Shooting that occurred at about 5:20 P.M. in the 19100 block of Elberland Street, unincorporated West Covina.

Detectives have learned at about 4:57 PM a male called Walnut Sheriff's Station and stated that a man is in his home with a gun demanding money from his mother. The caller also stated that a black car was parked in front of his residence.

Walnut Sheriff's Station deputies responded to the residence in Walnut and observed a black vehicle driving toward them from the location at a high rate of speed. Deputies initiated a pursuit and ended in the area of Nogales Street and La Puente Road in unincorporated West Covina.

The male suspect ran from the vehicle and entered a Bestway Market. The suspect then ran through the back door of the market and into the neighborhood. The suspect ran through several backyards in the neighborhood in an attempt to evade Sheriff's deputies.

The suspect eventually encountered Sheriff's deputies in the 19100 block of Elberland Street, unincorporated West Covina where a Deputy Involved (Hit) Shooting occurred. The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene. A search is underway for evidence and/or a weapon.

A female adult passenger of the suspect's vehicle was taken into custody. Also, a young child who was in the vehicle was taken into protective custody.

There is no additional information at this time.

Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's Homicide Bureau at (323) 890-5500. If you prefer to provide information anonymously, you may call "Crime Stoppers" by dialing (800) 222-TIPS (8477), or texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or by using the website

Whenever an Officer-Involved Shooting occurs, involving Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies, and it results in a fatality of a suspect, multiple independent investigations immediately begin at the scene. These include separate investigations by the Offices of the L.A. Co. District Attorney and the L.A. Co. Coroner, in addition to Sheriff's Homicide Bureau and Internal Affairs Bureau. Attorneys with the Los Angeles Office of Independent Review also respond to the scene, and have full access to the facts known to the sheriff's department throughout every phase of these thorough investigations. Once concluded, every aspect of the shooting is reviewed by the Sheriff's Executive Force Review Committee.


Deputy Involved (Hit) Shooting, 19100 blk of Elberland Street, unicorporated West Covina, #LASD

Hi SHB Group,


Sheriff's Homicide detectives are en route to the 19100 block of Elberland Street, unincorporated West Covina, to investigate the circumstances surrounding a deputy involved (hit) shooting.

One suspect was hit and pronounced dead at the scene. A second suspect is in custody, uninjured.

No Deputies were injured.

There is no additional information available.

Whenever an Officer-Involved Shooting occurs involving Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputies, and it results in a wounding, multiple independent investigations immediately begin at the scene. These include separate investigations by the Office of the Los Angeles District Attorney and the Los Angeles County Coroner, as well as investigations by Sheriff's Homicide Bureau and Internal Affairs Bureau. Attorneys with the Los Angeles Office of Independent Review also respond to the scene, and have full access to the facts known to the Sheriff's Department throughout every phase of these investigations. Once concluded, every aspect of the shooting is reviewed by the Sheriff's Executive Force Review Committee.

Authored by:
Irys Alvarez, Deputy
Don Walker, Deputy
Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau - Newsroom
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
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LA Crime Stoppers: Partner to prevent or report crime by contacting your local Sheriff’s station. Or if you wish to remain Anonymous, call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or using the website

John L. Scott, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

For full details, view this message on the web.


LASD - Walnut/Diamond Bar Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
21695 Valley Blvd
Walnut, CA 91789

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 909-595-2264

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