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Wood Heights Fire Protection District
Thursday April 3rd, 2014 :: 12:20 p.m. CDT



The burn ban has been lifted and citizens are allowed to burn. A burn permit is required prior to any burning from Missouri Dept of Natural Resources and can be obtained from website then click on applications at the top of the page. All burn permits need to be filled out at least 1-2 days prior to burning and submitted to the fire dept for signature and then submitted to the state for final approval. You can fill out the form online now and email directly to Once the form is emailed it will be signed by the department and then emailed to Mo DNR office for approval. Make sure to include your email address so they can email you and our department back an approved permit.

*****Also when your on the website please answer our quick 3 question survey on the home page. We need citizen input so we can provide better quality of service to the citizens of our district. Check our website frequently for updated news and information. Soon our board minutes will be posted to the website as well*****

Wood Heights Fire Protection District
5998 Missouri 10
Wood Heights, MO 64024

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 816-630-9428

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