Hydrant Testing 
WHFPD will be conducting hydrant testing over the next few weeks. You may notice discolored water or low pressure during this time.
Hydrant testing is required annually to verify pressures at each hydrant so we know what the flow rates are. These are required for the ISO, Homeowner Insurance Rating Score, so we can try to keep our current rating.
Also as a reminder if you missed the June open house we are having another open house and Proposition 1 & 2 discussion on July 19, 2014 from 10am-2pm. All registered voters and citizens are encouraged to attend so you can see why we have to get the levy passed to keep your insurance costs down. If proposition 1 & 2 does not pass your insurance ratings will increase at least 2x what the levy will cost you each year. We are trying everything we can to keep the cost down to you the citizens of our district but this is needed to fund the department and improve our services to you.
Wood Heights Fire Protection District
5998 Missouri 10
Wood Heights, MO 64024
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 816-630-9428