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LASD - San Dimas Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
Friday August 22nd, 2014 :: 02:07 p.m. PDT


Sheriff’s Explorers Take Home the Hardware (Trophies!)

The Law Enforcement Explorer program is a career-oriented program that gives young adults the opportunity to explore a career in law enforcement by working with local law enforcement agencies. The program is available to qualified persons who graduated 8th grade and are ages 14 through 21.

Sheriff's Explorers from San Dimas Station recently competed in the "X Games" at Camp Trask in Monrovia Canyon. Explorers from 22 Explorer Posts competed in 15 different scenarios testing their skills and knowledge of law enforcement tactics and procedures. This included Felony Traffic Stops, Domestic Violence, a hostage scenario, and DUI Investigation. The Explorers were graded on their officer safety skills and knowledge of applicable laws.

San Dimas Station Explorers Kathryn Maldonado, Noah Ojeda, Champayne Rardin, David Silva, and Tiffany Tolleson were awarded four trophies for their excellent performance. They received a 2nd place trophy in Marksmanship, 3rd place trophy in Felony Traffic Stop, and 3rd Place trophy in Domestic Violence. They also earned 4th place trophy in Vehicle Assault, which involved a person held hostage in a vehicle.

Deputies Matthew Bodell and Bernard Ojeda worked with the Explorers during their training. Bodell said, “The past three months of training really paid off. These Explorers have learned a lot about the things law enforcement officers encounter. Training for this competition really honed their skills, and they worked very hard. We’re very proud of their dedication and commitment.”

The Explorer Program is a Sheriff's Department youth-oriented program. It is affiliated with the special interest phase of the Boy Scouts of America. The program’s primary purpose is to provide, through real-world experience, a means by which young men and women may determine if they would like to pursue a career in law enforcement. The program also provides the Sheriff's Department with additional human resources while at the same time fostering relationships with the community we serve.
Deputy Explorers assist regular Deputy Sheriffs by performing non-hazardous duties such as report writing, crowd control, assistance in parades and other city events. Deputy Explorers participate in ride a-longs, field trips and attend many different tactical competitions which give explorers a chance to compete with other Explorers from all over the United States. Explorer competitions will sometimes require Explorers to travel to other states.

Deputy Explorers are non-compensated, but completely insured while in training and on duty. New members are expected to purchase their own uniforms upon acceptance into the program. After acceptance into the program, initial training for new Deputy Explorers takes place at one of the Sheriff's Explorer Academies. They are located at 11515 South Colima Road, Whittier, and at The College of the Canyons, 26455 N. Rockwell Canyon Road, Valencia. The Explorer Academy consists of approximately 184 hours of instruction during 18 weeks of training on Saturdays.

Subjects such as community relations, criminal law, demeanor, firearms safety, narcotics control, police procedures and weaponless defense must be mastered. The Explorers are required to undergo drill and physical training as well as their classroom work. Satisfactory completion of the academy earns the Deputy Explorer ten high school credits. In some cases, college credit can also be earned by post-graduation academy involvement.

To become an Explorer, you must meet the following requirements:
• To qualify for the position of Deputy Explorer, you must: have at least a "C" average in high school,
• be between the ages of 14 and 21 years of age, and,
• be of good moral character without any serious arrest record.
• Deputy Explorers must meet the same basic physical requirements as a Deputy Sheriff.

You do not need to live in an area policed by the Sheriff's Department to become a member of the Explorer Program. Anyone interested in participating in, or learning more about, the Explorer program is welcome to attend an Explorer meeting. Meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Room at San Dimas Station.

San Dimas Sheriff’s Station is one of six stations within the East Patrol Division of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. The Station’s jurisdiction encompasses approximately 276 square miles. In addition to serving the City of San Dimas, the station serves unincorporated communities of Azusa, Covina, Glendora, La Verne, Claremont, Pomona, the Los Angeles County portion of Mt. Baldy, a large portion of the Angeles National Forest (State Route 39), and portions of Angeles Crest Highway (Highway 2). The population for these areas is approximately one hundred and five thousand (105,000), nearly sixty sixty-nine thousand (69,000) in the unincorporated areas and more than thirty-six thousand (36,000) in the City of San Dimas.

San Dimas Sheriff’s Station
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
270 S. Walnut Avenue
San Dimas, CA 91773
(909) 450-2700

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John L. Scott, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

LASD - San Dimas Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
270 S Walnut Ave
San Dimas, CA 91773

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