- Wednesday September 10th, 2014 :: 07:15 a.m. PDT
Brush fire in San Dimas - No evacuations ordered, No evacuations are expected. Alert message only. 
A brush fire was discovered at 03:59 a.m. in San Dimas Canyon, approximately ½ mile north of Golden Hills Road. This is an unpopulated area, but within ¼ mile of a residential area in the city of La Verne. The fire has burned about 5 acres. No evacuations have been ordered at this time, and no evacuations are expected. Los Angeles County Fire officials area optimistic the fire could be knocked down reasonably soon with air support. The fire is 10% contained, and not spreading rapidly.
We are at a command post with Los Angeles County Fire Department and La Verne Fire Department, closely monitoring the situation. The only road closure at this time is San Dimas Canyon Road north of Caballo Ranch Road near San Dimas Canyon Golf Course. Monitor this notification system and/or @SDMLASD on Twitter for news and updates.
San Dimas Sheriff’s Station is one of six stations within the East Patrol Division of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. The Station’s jurisdiction encompasses approximately 276 square miles. In addition to serving the City of San Dimas, the station serves unincorporated communities of Azusa, Covina, Glendora, La Verne, Claremont, Pomona, the Los Angeles County portion of Mt. Baldy, a large portion of the Angeles National Forest (State Route 39), and portions of Angeles Crest Highway (Highway 2). The population for these areas is approximately one hundred and five thousand (105,000), nearly sixty sixty-nine thousand (69,000) in the unincorporated areas and more than thirty-six thousand (36,000) in the City of San Dimas.
San Dimas Sheriff’s Station
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
270 S. Walnut Avenue
San Dimas, CA 91773
(909) 450-2700
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Website: http://www.SanDimas.lasd.org
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Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
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Website: http://www.lasd.org
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Alert LA County: Telephone emergency mass notification system http://www.lacounty.gov/wps/portal/alertla
SNAP LA County: Specific Needs Disaster Voluntary Registry http://snap.lacounty.gov/
Text & Email, Register for LASD Nixle messages: To receive more detailed, up-to-date information via E-MAIL and/or TEXT directly from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), sign up for "Nixle" alerts at http://www.Nixle.com and register for "LASD – Headquarters Newsroom (SHB), Los Angeles County Sheriff" AND your local LASD station area. Or, to receive URGENT TEXT ALERTS ONLY, text your zip code to 888777. Standard text messaging rates may apply depending on your calling plan.
"If You See Something, Say Something"
LA Crime Stoppers: Partner to prevent or report crime by contacting your local Sheriff’s station. Or if you wish to remain Anonymous, call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org
John L. Scott, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
Monitor this notification system and/or @SDMLASD on Twitter for news and updates.
LASD - San Dimas Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
270 S Walnut Ave
San Dimas, CA 91773
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 909-450-2700
Alert Details
- Severity:
- Moderate - Possible threat to life or property
- Urgency:
- Unknown - Urgency not known
- Certainty:
- Observed - Determined to have occurred or to be ongoing
- Category:
- Fire suppression and rescue
- Event:
- Forest Fire