San Dimas Station Military Veterans - photos 
San Dimas Station Military Veterans
Recently, a group of military veterans assigned to San Dimas Station gathered for a group photograph at the Veteran’s Memorial in San Dimas. These photos aren’t all of them, mind you, but the most we could get in one place at one time. Others work late night shifts, or couldn’t be there because they were at their “real job.” You know, the one they work for pay, when they’re not volunteering as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff. We salute them and appreciate them. I could not find the words to adequately express what our grateful nation should say to these men, so we dug a message from the archives. Included below is a 2002 message from an old friend, John Strom. He was a veteran, a Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff, and long ago retired. To all of our Sheriff’s Department veterans of the United States armed forces, and to veterans across the U.S.A., thank you!
Gabe Duran, United States Navy
Jose A. Mora Jr., United States Army
Robert Wilson, United States Army
Pete Fosselman, United States Army
Art Padilla, United States Air Force
Joe Bolanos, United States Marine Corps
Gilbert Lozano, Jr., United States Army
Bryan Marr, United States Marine Corps
David Rodriguez, United States Marine Corps
Edward J. Huizar, Jr., United States Army
Dave Campbell. United States Marine Corps
San Dimas station veterans not pictured here:
Victor Ibarra, United States Air Force
Jeff Reiley, United States Army
Jesus Polanco, United States Marine Corps
Patrick F. Bohnert, United States Navy
Jeffrey S. Dreyer, United States Marine Corps
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 11:22 AM
Subject: Memorial Day, 2002
You know who you are, you volunteers. You alone know why you did it... to escape a dead, small town? A sense of duty? Of mystery? Because of 'war stories' told to you by Uncle Fred?
For whatever reason, you signed up ... you know who you are: Dave, Bill, William [as he likes to be called when he's feeling formal], Sylvia, Larry, Andy, George, Steve, Charlie, Jack, Billy, Terry, Mike, Art, Lynn, Jim, Pete, John, Tom, Dave, Rick, Lee, Gil, Ralph, Gene, Robert w., Maurice. Maybe I left off a name ... you didn't do it for any kind of 'glory', anyway. You went because your country needed you. That's why they accepted you (you and I know that they DON'T take just everybody as the rumor has it), trained you, and sent you forth to do that which their testing told them you would be good at... and you were good at it. Americans have the planet’s best work ethic - too good maybe. American G.I.'s, when cornered or pressed, are a fearsome bunch to behold. Some of you, simply because you were sent to places where there wasn't much 'back-up', worked some 'killer shifts'... many hours/days/weeks without significant breaks other than sleep and eat. You did this because America needed it and there was no-one else around TO do it ... just you - the great American G.I. We Thank You!!
Today, many members of a grateful country will gather round to hear the sound of bagpipes and politicians giving speeches. They'll hear buglers doing that haunting tune: Taps ... lights out, permanently for some of our 'bretheren' [this includes the feminine] who gave their all to ensure that our way of life could go on. They'll hear the sound of freedom as jet fighter planes soar overhead in the 'Missing Man ' formation. Most of these speakers will remind us that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance... Those who ARE vigilant are those who have learned from our mistakes in the past. The non-vigilant are those who just cannot bring themselves to believe that it can ever happen here. We now know that it CAN happen here... it will happen here again ... we must remain armed and vigilant.
A grateful nation thanks you, this day, for your long ago service to ideals that are as new and fresh as they were in 1776. The ideal that we have a nation - and a way of life - that is the envy of all. Stay alert, fellow veterans - you may be needed yet again.
John Strom
San Dimas Sheriff’s Station is one of six stations within the East Patrol Division of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. The Station’s jurisdiction encompasses approximately 276 square miles. In addition to serving the City of San Dimas, the station serves unincorporated communities of Azusa, Covina, Glendora, La Verne, Claremont, Pomona, the Los Angeles County portion of Mt. Baldy, a large portion of the Angeles National Forest (State Route 39), and portions of Angeles Crest Highway (Highway 2). The population for these areas is approximately one hundred and five thousand (105,000), nearly sixty sixty-nine thousand (69,000) in the unincorporated areas and more than thirty-six thousand (36,000) in the City of San Dimas.
San Dimas Sheriff’s Station
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
270 S. Walnut Avenue
San Dimas, CA 91773
(909) 450-2700
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John L. Scott, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
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270 S Walnut Ave
San Dimas, CA 91773
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