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LASD - San Dimas Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
Wednesday December 31st, 2014 :: 10:21 a.m. PST


Be a part of something great with the San Dimas Mountain Rescue Team: Upcoming informational meeting

Recruitment efforts are underway for the San Dimas Mountain Rescue Team, an all-volunteer team dedicated to saving the lives of people who become lost or injured in the San Gabriel Mountains.

The team is looking for those who love the outdoors and are interested in giving back to the community. Recruits will attend the SDMRT’s mountaineering academy on weekends and evenings. They’ll learn the fundamentals of mountaineering, including rappelling, swift-water and snow-and-ice rescue, setting up raising and lowering systems using ropes and pulleys, tracking lost hikers, and navigating the hills and trails of the San Gabriel Mountains.

The team, which is affiliated with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, is on-call 24/7, 365 days a year. Its members search for hikers who are lost or injured in the mountains. They also are on-scene at accidents in which a car has plummeted over the side of the mountain’s treacherous winding roads. They rappel down to the victims, sometimes as far as 800 feet, and bring the injured back up to the road in a litter or work with the LASD’s aero units to hoist the victims out via helicopter. They rescue hikers who are trapped on the side of cliffs or stranded by a fast moving body of water. They assist with evacuations during wildland fires, and work with the Department’s CSI teams at crime scenes in the mountains.

The team also helps with searches in other counties. For example, its members participated in the search for Michael Herdman, an Arcadia firefighter who died from a fall while on a hiking trip in the rugged hills of the Los Padres National Forest in Ventura County. Some of the team’s members also are part of the county’s underground rescue team, and were part of the July search for Erin Corwin in Joshua Tree; Corwin’s killer had dumped her body down a 140-foot mine shaft.

SDMRT believes strongly in “preventive search and rescue.” To that end, the team does numerous Hug-A-Tree® presentations, which teach young children what to do if they get lost in the mountains. Team members also participate in safety fairs, parades and many other community events. Because its members also have been trained as EMTs, they recently taught first-aid to a local Cub Scout troop, helping them to earn their First Aid badge.

The San Dimas Mountain Rescue Team is one of eight search-and-rescue teams in the county. Founded in 1955, it will celebrate its 60th anniversary of community service this year.

If you’re interested in being a part of something great (and really really fun), the team is hosting an informational meeting on Saturday, January 10, at 8 a.m. Information about training and membership requirements will be discussed. Please RSVP by January 8, 2015, on our website contact page:



San Dimas Sheriff’s Station is one of six stations within the East Patrol Division of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. The Station’s jurisdiction encompasses approximately 276 square miles. In addition to serving the City of San Dimas, the station serves unincorporated communities of Azusa, Covina, Glendora, La Verne, Claremont, Pomona, the Los Angeles County portion of Mt. Baldy, a large portion of the Angeles National Forest (State Route 39), and portions of Angeles Crest Highway (Highway 2). The population for these areas is approximately one hundred and five thousand (105,000), nearly sixty sixty-nine thousand (69,000) in the unincorporated areas and more than thirty-six thousand (36,000) in the City of San Dimas.

San Dimas Sheriff’s Station
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
270 S. Walnut Avenue
San Dimas, CA 91773
(909) 450-2700

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Jim McDonnell, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

LASD - San Dimas Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
270 S Walnut Ave
San Dimas, CA 91773

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 909-450-2700

Carlos Perez
San Dimas Station

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