Winter Weather Advisory - Tuesday 6 AM to 1 PM EST Freezing rain is the greatest threat.
Winter Weather Advisory for mixed precipitation
Threat and Timing
* Freezing rain is the greatest threat
* Begins around 6 AM EST in the southwest - Gradually shifts Northeast through 11 AM
* Duration: Most locations will experience 1 to 2 hours of light freezing rain.
* Accumulation: under one tenth of an inch.
* Moderate to high confidence for the occurrence of mixed precipitation
* Moderate confidence on exact timing, intensity, duration and accumulation
* Sheltered road surfaces, overpasses and intersections will be icy
* Sidewalks and Driveways will be icy
* Morning Commute will be affected
This is a great opportunity to emphasize safe and defensive driving practices!
Fulton County Emergency Management Agency
1728 E State Rd 14
Rochester, IN 46975
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 574-223-6611