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Ranch Drive Fire Department
Saturday May 16th, 2015 :: 04:12 p.m. CDT


Tornado Watch for Kay County

Tornado Watch #177 has been issued for our area. This is in effect from 4pm to midnight this date. A few tornadoes are possible along with scattered damaging wind gusts to 70 MPH and isolated very large hail events to 2" in diameter is possible.
Remember ... a watch means conditions are favorable for tornadoes an severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Listen for later statements and possible warnings.
If spotters are out in our immediate area you can listen to them on 146.970 MHz on your scanners -- radar updates are also given on this frequency for our area.

Ranch Drive Fire Department
3454 South Ranch Drive
Ponca City, OK 74601

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 580-762-7785

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