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Indiana State Police-Headquarters - Statewide
Friday August 7th, 2015 :: 01:54 p.m. EDT


Engineers Re-Close I-65 North Bridge near Lafayette

TIPPECANOE COUNTY, Ind. – Structural engineers monitoring the I-65 northbound bridge over Wildcat Creek since it reopened on Wednesday noticed movement in the same vertical riverbank pier and ordered the bridge closed. Engineers continue to assess, and more information about repairs and an estimated reopening time are not immediately available.

I-65 northbound merges to one lane and is diverted onto U.S. 52 at Exit 141 north of Lebanon. Follow U.S. 52 north for nearly 17 miles, then turn left at State Road 28. Follow S.R. 28 west for about 10 miles, then turn right onto U.S. 231. Follow U.S. 231 north for about 33 miles until it intersects I-65 again in White County.

INDOT and law enforcement staff are helping to direct traffic where S.R. 28 turns north onto U.S. 231 at Romney. In addition, INDOT traffic engineers are monitoring traffic flow at U.S. 231 signals and adjusting timing patterns.

There are several ways that drivers can stay updated on the closure:


Indiana State Police-Headquarters - Statewide
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 317-232-8250

Sergeant Kim Riley
Public Information Officer for the Lafayette Post

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