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Wichita County Sheriff's Office
Thursday September 17th, 2015 :: 12:52 p.m. CDT


Blood drive benefiting WCSO officer battling cancer today at the courthouse until 5pm.

Today, Wichita County is holding a special blood drive in honor of Sheriff's Office Detention Officer Larry Williams. The blood mobile will be parked on Lamar St. in front of the courthouse from noon to 5pm. Make sure to mention Larry Williams when donating and he will get credit and assistance with the cost of blood transfusions. If you are unable to make it to the blood mobile please visit the Texas Blood Institute on Gregory St. across from Lowe's. They are open Tuesday-Saturday. Visit to complete the required paperwork prior to donating to save time. Call Ann at 766-8106 or email to make an appointment or find out more about this event.

Wichita County Sheriff's Office
900 7th St
Wichita Falls, TX 76301

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 940-766-8170

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