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Shorewood Police Department
Sunday November 15th, 2015 :: 07:09 p.m. CST


An attempted robbery occurred at the intersection of Menlo and Summit at approx. 2 PM on Sunday 11/15

Our agency is investigating an attempted robbery which occurred at the intersection of Menlo Blvd and Summit Ave. just before 2 pm on Sunday 11/15.

The male and female victim had pulled to the curb when the suspect’s vehicle pulled along the side of their vehicle. One suspect got out of the car and pointed a handgun at the victim. The victims quickly sped away. A suspect fired one round into the driver’s door. There were no injuries.

There were three or four other suspects in the car. The suspect vehicle was described as a 4dr white or cream colored car.

This case is possibly related to a similar incident which occurred on the upper east side of Milwaukee shortly before the incident in Shorewood.

Anyone who may have witnessed this incident or may have information regarding this is asked to call the Shorewood Police Department at 414-847-2610.

Shorewood Police Department
4057 N Wilson Dr
Shorewood, WI 53211

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 414-847-2610

Jeffrey Schmidt

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