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Simi Valley Police Department
Monday February 8th, 2016 :: 08:30 a.m. PST


UBER Driver arrested for DUI after the Superbowl on way to pick up passengers.

A Simi Valley Police Officer arrested an UBER driver after Superbowl 50 for Driving Under the Influence of alcohol, having a blood alcohol level of .25%.

Officer Kevin Wilmott was on patrol when he observed a vehicle approaching a green light, and was slowing. This caught his attention as well as the fact he also observed the vehicle had no front license plate.

Officer Wilmott contacted the driver, who stated he was on his way to pick up a fare, and that he drove for UBER. He also stated that he had already driven 2-3 other fares in the city, and was trying to make some extra cash after watching the Superbowl at a local bar.

Officer Wilmott detected the driver, Robert Wing, 46 of Simi Valley was impaired and conducted a DUI evaluation. The driver was unaware of his physical location due to his impairment and was relying on his GPS to direct him where to go. Mr. Wing was arrested for DUI, and his vehicle was impounded. He was booked into the Ventura County Jail for DUI.

The Simi Valley Police Department encourages anyone who has consumed alcohol to stay off the road, or arrange for transportation. We also encourage each passenger to speak with any driver they hire, to determine if they smell alcohol or see signs of the driver being impaired before allowing the driver to transport them to their destination. If a passenger believes their hired driver is impaired, make them stop the car, and notify the police immediately.

Working together, we can prevent fatality collisions related to DUI driving.

Simi Valley Police Department
3901 Alamo St
Simi Valley, CA 93063

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 805-583-6950

Robert Arabian
Traffic Unit

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