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Saluda County Sheriff's Office
Sunday March 6th, 2016 :: 09:32 p.m. EST


Reminder: In God We Trust press Conference with Saluda County Sheriff's Office 1:00PM on Monday

WHAT: In God We Trust Initiative
WHO: The Saluda County Sheriff’s Office
WHERE: Saluda County Sheriff’s Office, 100 Law Enforcement Drive, Saluda, SC 29138


Saluda County Sheriff John C. Perry Puts the Safety of His Deputies in the Hands of a Higher Power

Saluda County Sheriff John C. Perry makes his agency the first in the Palmetto State, joining one of the select few law enforcement agencies across the country to add four important words to patrol cars: “In God We Trust.”

Sheriff Perry, serving in the post since the 2012 general election, says that it is an important message that helps his deputies to understand that he puts his trust not only in them, but God.

“In God We Trust,” says Sheriff Perry, “is not only the national motto, but words that I live every day by.” Perry is referencing the Establishment Clause in the United States Constitution, where, in 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed public law 84-140, placing the phrase on US paper currency and making it the Nation’s motto.

“I am very proud of my beliefs, and in a world that is turning against not only faith but law enforcement, I feel it is the right thing to do,” says Sheriff Perry. “I want my guys to know that when they get in the car, and they hear the passenger door close, they know who is riding with them.”

The idea, according to Sheriff Perry came to him during a Lent service. He shared the idea with some of the Department leadership, who expressed concern about the potential backlash during an election year. “Whatever God has planned for me is already in the works,” was his reply.

The stickers, which will be placed on all the marked patrol cars in Saluda County, were paid for by a local private donation, and no public funding was used.

“In God We Trust” has appeared on US coins since 1864, and on paper since 1957. It is also a license plate option for South Carolina citizens.

A dedication ceremony will be held on MONDAY MARCH 7, at 1:00 PM, where the new graphic will be unveiled and affixed to patrol cars. Speakers will include members from the Saluda County Sheriff’s Office, The Saluda County Council, and local Faith leaders.

The Community is invited to join us for this event.

Saluda County Sheriff's Office
Law Enforcement Dr
Saluda, SC 29138

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 864-445-2112

Chief Chris Cockrell
Community Police Unit

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