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Livermore CA Police Department
Saturday July 16th, 2016 :: 08:09 p.m. PDT


The Livermore Police Department has an important message for you regarding our Vacation Watch Program.

As we are now into summer and vacationing months, the Livermore Police Department wants to remind our community members of a valuable resource that is available to them: The Vacation Watch Program. This is another opportunity for the department to help make our community feel as comfortable away from home as when they are in their home. The program works as follows:

• When you will be out of town for at least 7 days, but no more than 30 days, proceed to the Livermore Police Department’s Website at

• In the navigation pane to the left of the screen, select Crime Information & Prevention. This will open up a menu, select “Vacation Watch.”

• On this page, click the link to the “Vacation Watch” form. You will answer questions about your property and input contact information. You will also be asked to provide additional information regarding anything that the volunteers may encounter when they go to check on your property.

• As time and staffing permits, the department’s staff of dedicated volunteers will go to your home and check the front exterior to make sure all appears normal.

• If, at any point, one of the volunteers finds anything out of the ordinary or suspicious, they will notify our dispatch center. A call for service will be created, and officers will be sent to check your home.

There are a few other important things to know about the program. The Vacation Watch program will be staffed solely by department trained volunteers. The volunteers will not check side or back yards, and they will not collect mail or newspapers. Please make arrangements to pause or stop those services as you would have in the past. Also, participation in the program means that you understand that the Livermore Police Department and the City of Livermore do not assume any liability for your residence during your specified vacation dates.

Should you require further information please contact our Crime Prevention Specialist Nicole Aguon by calling (925) 371-4978 or emailing

Livermore CA Police Department
1110 S Livermore Ave
Livermore, CA 94550

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 925-371-4900

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