Tropical Storm Warning 
The National Weather Service has issued a Tropical Storm Warning for our area due to Tropical Storm Hermine. There is the potential for tropical storm force winds and gusts due to this storm. Sustained winds may reach speeds of 39MPH, with gusts up to 55MPH. This storm may bring heavy rain and localized flooding conditions. It is anticipated that Hermine will strengthen into a Hurricane upon reaching the Atlantic Ocean and cause the rain and winds to intensify. While the track of the storm may change, it is very likely that we will experience rain and winds in our area through Tuesday or Wednesday.
Due to the expected winds, it is suggested to bring lightweight objects inside and secure/tie down any objects that you cannot bring inside your home or business. The sustained winds are likely to cause trees, utility poles and power lines to fall. As always, treat any fallen power lines as if they are live and stay away from them. Report any fallen trees, poles or wires to the North Castle Police Department at 914-273-9500.
Do not venture out during these storm conditions as they may rapidly change and cause you to become stranded or trapped due to falling items. It is strongly suggested to remain indoors during peak times of the storm in order to reduce the chance of you becoming injured.
Prepare now for the possibility of being effected by this storm. If needed, the Town will open our Emergency Operations Center to manage the response to and recovery from this storm.
Stay tuned to updates from the National Weather Service regarding this storm at
Town of North Castle Office of Emergency Management
15 Bedford Rd
Armonk, NY 10504
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 914-273-3207