Don't be the next burglary victim. 
<p>As the weather cools down its natural to want to turn the air conditioner off and allow the fresh air into our homes and vehicles. However, by doing so we sometimes open ourselves up to potential problems if we are not careful, as this creates opportunity for thieves. REMBER to lock your vehicles at all times and secure garage doors, entry doors, and windows in your home when you are leaving for the day, and be cautious about which windows are left open while sleeping at night. There have been several vehicle burglaries recently in the area, so please, take the extra second or two it takes to lock your vehicle and home to reduce the chances of becoming the next victim. Most of the burglaries that have taken place recently are to vehicles that have been left un-locked, and typically money is taken from the vehicle, usually coins. However, if items of value are left inside the un-locked vehicle or out in plain sight, the potential for more substantial loss increases. Many crimes are crimes of opportunity, meaning that if you make it difficult for the criminals to commit the act, they will most likely move on to an easier target. A few simple steps on your part may save you from becoming a victim and a lot of frustration down the road. If you see any suspicious activity in your neighborhood, please call the Windsor Heights Police Department or 911. </p>
Windsor Heights Police Department
1133 66th Street
Windsor Heights, IA 50324
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 515-277-4453