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Aberdeen Police Department
Wednesday November 16th, 2016 :: 04:18 p.m. EST


Aberdeen Police warn of money scam!

Aberdeen Police report an incident in a PVA where victim was approached by a "minister" who claimed to have $30,000 in cash and talked victim into withdrawing $900 so she could then deposit all the money into her account. "Flash" Money was in bank bag and bags were later switched. When bag was opened at PD it contained cut up paper. There are several versions of this scam, however if it seems too good to be true it probably is. Please call 911 if approached in public with offer to make free money.

Aberdeen Police Department
804 N Sandhills Blvd
Aberdeen, NC 28315

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 910-944-9721

Aberdeen Police Department

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