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Topsfield Police Dept.
Wednesday December 7th, 2016 :: 10:22 a.m. EST


Topsfield Police Department Citizens Police Academy starts Tuesday, January 17, 2017, 6-830pm, sign up now.

The Topsfield Police Department will be sponsoring our 10th Citizens Police Academy commencing on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 from 6 pm to 8:30 pm. Academy classes shall run every Tuesday night for 10 weeks.Classes will be held at the Topsfield Police Department, 210 Boston Street, Topsfield.
Interested Topsfield residents, from seniors in high school to senior citizens are welcomed to participate.
The Topsfield Police Department has graduated over 160 citizens from this program. It allows citizens to learn the inner workings of local law enforcement.
Learn what it’s like to be a police officer, as we educate you to the challenges facing the law enforcement officer in your community.
Meet the officers behind the badge as they help you obtain the knowledge and training necessary to perform the duties of a police officer.
In addition to the training received, all participants will have the option to be instructed in CPR under the standards of the American Red Cross.
Each weekly lesson will be taught by different instructors as to what police work entails.
Learn what real police officers do and see what it takes to be one in today’s world.
If interested please e-mail your name, date of birth, address and phone number to Academy coordinator, Det. Sgt. Gary Hayward at the following e-mail:

Det. Sgt. Hayward will be in contact with you.
Thank you for your interest.
Chief Evan E.J. Haglund

Topsfield Police Dept.
210 Boston Street
Topsfield, MA 01983

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 978-887-6533

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