WH Aims to Impact Driver Behavior with Fixed Tools Speed Enforcement Program Expands to University 1/27/17 
(Windsor Heights, IA) The City of Windsor Heights will expand its Automatic Traffic Enforcement program with fixed speed safety systems along University Ave. at 12 a.m. on January 27, 2017.
The City of Windsor Heights is committed to safeguarding the lives and property of our citizens and in doing so has positioned two fixed speed cameras along University Avenue. Drivers traveling 11 M.P.H. over the speed limit will be eligible for a citation.
The systems have been put in place to change harmful driving behavior along a popular segment of roadway. There can be up to fifteen thousand cars a day traveling along University Ave. Recent research estimates that seven thousand six hundred vehicles are traveling above the speed limit and over one hundred and ninety are traveling more than 11 M.P.H. above the speed limit.
These camera systems will assist us in educating the motoring public on their behavior and enforcing the law in efforts to decrease the number of violations, property damage and injuries in Windsor Heights.
The Automated Traffic Enforcement program has been successfully educating and enforcing speed limits since 2012 through the use of mobile-vehicle platforms. The fixed systems are less intrusive and a more visible deterrent with a speed advisory sign identifying an approaching vehicle’s speed.
The systems capture photographs of the speeding vehicle’s license plate along with its location, speed and other necessary information. Ultimately, law enforcement personnel decide whether the evidence is sufficient to issue a citation to the vehicle owner. Violations are mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle after police review and approval. Persons who receive a violation notice have the option to pay the fine, appeal the notice or dispute it in court.
For more information on Windsor Heights Speed Enforcement Camera Program,
visit http://www.windsorheights.org/police-department/automated-speed-enforcement.aspx
Windsor Heights Police Department
1133 66th Street
Windsor Heights, IA 50324
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 515-277-4453