Attempted burglary in the 3200 block of Wiltshire Dr. Suspect fled, but was taken into custody nearby without incident. 
Today around 1:00 pm, AEPD received a 911 call regarding an attempted burglary in the 3200 block of Wiltshire Dr. The caller observed a black male loitering and manipulating the door handles at a neighbor's home as well a suspicious vehicle parked on the street in front of the home. The vehicle left, leaving the suspect behind so he fled the scene. A witness followed the suspect on foot and kept 911 apprised of the suspect's whereabouts and direction of travel. Because of this accurate information, AEPD officers were able to intercept the suspect and place him under arrest. The witness was able to positively identify the suspect. No entry was made to the home.
Please be on the lookout for a tan-in-color, late model, full-sized American-made sedan with damage to the driver's-side and bearing a handwritten "Tag Applied For" tag on the rear bumper area. Do not approach the vehicle, but instead call 911 immediately. If you have any information regarding this incident, please contact Inv. Tom Gillis at (404) 391-4526.
In addition, we want to thank our vigilant residents for "seeing something and saying something" as it occurred. Without this we would not have been able to take the suspect into custody as quickly as we did. A big thank you to all those involved!
City of Avondale Estates
21 N Avondale Rd
Avondale Est, GA 30002
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 404-294-5400