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Indiana State Police-Headquarters - Statewide
Friday April 21st, 2017 :: 08:42 p.m. EDT


Lorinda Gibbs Presented with Forensic Scientist of the Year

Lorinda Gibbs Presented with Forensic Scientist of the Year
Indianapolis, IN- An awards program was held this afternoon at the Indiana Government Center for Indiana State Police employees. During the ceremony, Indiana State Police Superintendent Douglas G. Carter and his primary staff, recognized Lorinda Gibbs for her work and dedication.
The Indiana State Police Forensic Scientist of the Year Award is presented annually to a Forensic Scientist within the Laboratory Division deemed to have consistently provided a superior quality forensic analysis service in a highly professional, proficient and unbiased manner for the Indiana Criminal Justice Community.  Forensic Scientist Gibbs’ accomplishments in 2016 are worthy of such recognition and have earned her this award.      
In 2016, Latent Print Identification Unit Forensic Scientist Lorinda K. Gibbs completed 172 cases and assisted in the development of latent prints at multiple crime scenes.  During her examinations she developed 335 latent prints, of which 111 were identified.  Her work efforts exceeded the Forensic Latent Print Unit average of 84 identifications.  Ms. Gibbs routinely worked the more complex latent print cases and had the highest development-to-lift case ratio in the state.  Ms. Gibbs produced results of the highest quality and successfully completed all proficiency and competency testing.  She volunteered to work 18 rush cases and completed 140 technical and administrative reviews of other analysts’ and supervisors’ casework. 
In 2016, Ms. Gibbs assisted the Forensic Latent Print Unit to branch out into Field Support.  After completing research and validation studies on using spray foam for casting footwear impressions in snow, she was instrumental in establishing proper field documentation protocols that changed how laboratory forensic scientists and crime scene investigators provide field services for the betterment of the criminal justice community.  Ms. Gibbs has written and is working toward publishing an article on her research of spray foam in the Journal of Forensic Identification, which is an international scientific journal published by the International Association of Identification (IAI).
In addition, Forensic Scientist Gibbs provided training across the state to Indiana State Police personnel as well as other agencies.  Ms. Gibbs lectured at the ISP recruit school and the Crime Scene Investigation School on latent print and footwear recovery and she provided classes on Leuco Crystal Violet enhancement of blood impressions.
Ms. Gibbs also lectured at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, and provided training for the Indiana Department of Homeland Security’s Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team. 
Gibbs is a member of the International Association for Identification and the Indiana Division of the International Association for Identification, where she has previously served as president and vice-president.  Ms. Gibbs earned the distinction in 2014 as a Certified Latent Print Examiner, and she serves as a Forensic Science Instructor at the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy.     
She graduated in 2003 with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Indianapolis and began her career with the Indiana State Police Laboratory Division in February 2008 at the Indianapolis Regional Laboratory. Gibbs has participated in research studies for the National Institute of Justice relating to latent print suitability for identification, and she is a regular presenter at the IAI and Indiana IAI conferences.   
Forensic Scientist Gibbs resides with her husband, Aaron, and two children in Pittsboro.
All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law
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Indiana State Police-Headquarters - Statewide
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Indianapolis, IN 46204

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