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Indiana State Police-Headquarters - Statewide
Monday May 8th, 2017 :: 03:57 p.m. EDT


ISP First Sergeant Paul Hansard Receives Award

ISP First Sergeant Paul Hansard Receives Award
Indiana - The American Association of Police Polygraphist recently held their annual conference in Houston, Texas. A highlight of the conference was the awards ceremony. Five year AAPP member, Indiana State Police First Sergeant Paul Hansard, was presented the Region II Richard O. Arthur Directors Award for his significant contribution in a 2016 Spencer, IN murder case.
In March, 2016 Indiana State Police polygraph examiner, F/Sgt. Paul Hansard was contacted to conduct a specific issue polygraph examination on a suspect to determine his truthfulness as to whether or not the suspect caused a female to go missing.  During the course of the investigation F/Sgt. Hansard determined the suspect was deceptive to the main issue. A second polygraph examination was utilized to determine the female’s location. The suspect displayed strong reactions to one particular area and during the interview concerning these deceptive results the suspect told F/Sgt. where the female’s body was located. The information gained from the polygraph examination and post-test interview led investigators to the female’s body.
The suspect was ultimately sentenced to a 60 year prison sentence for murder.
“The information gleaned from the suspect in our case by First Sergeant Hansard proved to be instrumental in securing a conviction,” stated Owen County Prosecutor Donald R. VanDerMoere II.   “I and the other citizens of Owen County owe Paul a huge debt of gratitude.  It gives me great pleasure to see such a diligent, hardworking and professional officer like Paul receive the recognition he deserves.”  
 The objectives of the AAPP is:
A. To encourage and develop cooperation among all American Law Enforcement Organizations in the application and utilization of accepted polygraph techniques.
B. To develop the highest standards of proficiency in the polygraph profession by fostering and encouraging scientific training and research through advanced study and progressive techniques.
C. To promote and maintain the highest standards of ethics, integrity, honor and conduct in the polygraph profession.
D. To provide an opportunity and forum for the exchange of information regarding polygraph experiences, studies and research.
E. To cooperate with other national, regional and state polygraph associations and other professional organizations in matters of mutual interest and of benefit to the polygraph profession.
First Sergeant Hansard is a ten year Indiana State Police veteran. He resides in Delaware County with his three children.
Photo: Left to right- AAPP Region II Director Derek Piasecki, ISP F/Sgt. Paul Hansard, AAPP President James Wardwell.

Indiana State Police-Headquarters - Statewide
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204

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Non-emergencies: 317-232-8250

Rich Myers

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