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Indiana State Police-Indianapolis District 52-Indianapolis, IN
Friday May 12th, 2017 :: 11:37 p.m. EDT


Indiana State Police asked to Investigate Police-Involved Death

Greenfield – At the request of the Greenfield Police Department the Indiana State Police are investigating the death of an Indianapolis man that involved Greenfield officers earlier tonight. As part of the department’s protocol the state police was called in to complete the investigation. Detectives from the Indianapolis Post are currently on scene interviewing witnesses and collecting evidence.

Shortly before 6:30 p.m. Friday evening officers with the Greenfield Police Department responded to a call of an intoxicated man lying in the grass near 826 South State Street in Greenfield. Two Greenfield officer’s arrived and located the individual who quickly became combative. The man was shot with a Taser or conducted electrical weapon (CEW) by police and subdued. Officer immediately noticed that the man was having medical problems and administered Narcan (naloxone) and then started CPR.

Emergency medical personnel arrived at the scene and transported the subject to Hancock Regional Hospital where he later died. The man has been identified as 48-year old Douglas A. Wiggington of Indianapolis.

As part of normal procedure the two officers have been placed on administrative duty, commented Greenfield Chief of Police Jeff Rasche. The names of the two officers involved in the incident will be released Sunday by the state police.

An autopsy has been scheduled for Sunday morning in Greenfield.

No other information is available at this time. New information will be released as it becomes available.

*All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Indiana State Police-Indianapolis District 52-Indianapolis, IN
8620 East 21st Street
Indianapolis, IN 46219

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 317-899-8577

Trent Smith
Public Information Section

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