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Indiana State Police-Indianapolis District 52-Indianapolis, IN
Sunday May 14th, 2017 :: 09:50 a.m. EDT


Update Greenfield Officers identified – Indiana State Police asked to Investigate Police-Involved Death

Greenfield – The two Greenfield Police Department officers that were involved in the incident Friday evening in which 48-year old Douglas A. Wiggington died are Sergeant Rodney Vawter a 13-year veteran and 4-year veteran Patrolman Dillon Silver.

They are identified as:
Greenfield Police Department

Sgt. Rodney Vawter
13-year veteran

Ptlm. Dillon Silver
4-year veteran

Please do not contact the Greenfield Police Department for comments or facts surrounding the incident.


Indiana State Police-Indianapolis District 52-Indianapolis, IN
8620 East 21st Street
Indianapolis, IN 46219

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 317-899-8577

Trent Smith
Public Information Section

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