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Eastern Pike Regional Police Department
Wednesday June 28th, 2017 :: 10:34 a.m. EDT


UPDATE: Fugatives Jarret Heitman and Makayla Stillwell still at large

Fugatives Jarret Heitmann, a 24 year old male and Makayla Stilwell, a 22 year old female are still at large.

The New York State Police confirmed the identity of the Fugatives from Tennessee, who were last seen on Saturday at Wal-Mart in Westfall Township.

Please report any information to the Eastern Pike Regional Police at 570-296-7700 or your local or State police department.

Eastern Pike Regional Police Department
10 Avenue I
Matamoras, PA 18336

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 570-491-4040

Eric Stewart

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