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Sebastopol, CA Police Department
Tuesday August 15th, 2017 :: 06:26 p.m. PDT


Sebastopol Police apprehend two juvenile vehicle burglars early Tuesday morning.

On 08/15/2017, the Sebastopol Police Department received a report of an in-progress vehicle burglary in the area of Winding Wood Way and Covert Lane. Officers arrived in the area and apprehended two juvenile suspects, who's names are witheld due to their status as minors. During their apprehension, Sebastopol Police Officers recovered two large backpacks that appeared to contain various types of portable electronics, keys, charging cables, and other items commonly found in vehicles. The two juvenile suspects admitted to breaking into numerous vehicles in the northwest Sebastopol area.

Because the juveniles were not from the area, the various types of identifiable property, and due to the sheer volume of vehicles they burglarized, Sebastopol Police Officers are seeking the public's assistance in this investigation.

If you believe that you may have been a victim of a vehicle burglary that occurred between the evening of August 14th and the early morning of August 15th, please contact Sergeant Joe Furry at the Sebastopol Police Department. If you are missing small portable electronics, such as phones or iPods, please attempt to locate a serial number for your missing device, as this will potentially aid in the identification and return of your missing item(s).

While we pride ourselves on being one of the safest communities in the area, the Sebastopol Police Department encourages its community members to secure unattended vehicles and to remove items of value from them.

Please direct any inquiries regarding this investigation to Sergeant Joe Furry, (707) 829-4400 or at

Sebastopol, CA Police Department
6850 Laguna Park Way
Sebastopol, CA 95472

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 707-829-4400

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