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Sebastopol, CA Police Department
Thursday August 24th, 2017 :: 04:03 p.m. PDT


Injury accident on Bodega Avenue at Ragle Road

Date: August 24, 2017 For media inquiries contact: Traffic Officer Cameron Fenske
On Thursday, 08-24-17, shortly after 10:00 am, Sebastopol Police received a 911 report of a collision on Bodega Avenue at the intersection with Ragle Road.  The caller reported an eastbound vehicle struck a woman crossing Bodega Ave in a wheelchair.  The 911 operator dispatched officers to the collision and transferred the caller to REDCOM, the county-wide fire and medical dispatch center.
A police officer, who was already in the area, arrived at the scene within a half of a minute of being dispatched.  

A witness told collision investigators that a 27-year-old Sebastopol woman in a wheelchair was crossing Bodega Avenue southbound in the crosswalk at Ragle Road; she was struck by a Nissan sedan, being driven east on Bodega Ave by a 79-year-old Sebastopol man.
The uninvolved witness, who was driving directly behind the Nissan, estimated the sedan was traveling about 30 miles per hour.   Although the investigation is still underway, investigators do not believe either speed or alcohol were involved.

The injured woman was transported by ambulance to an area hospital, where she was reported to be in critical condition.  The male driver was shaken, but otherwise uninjured.

The names of neither party are being released at this time, as the collision is still being investigated.  Anyone with information regarding the collision is asked to contact the investigator, SPD Traffic Officer Cameron Fenske at (707) 829-4400.

Sebastopol, CA Police Department
6850 Laguna Park Way
Sebastopol, CA 95472

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 707-829-4400

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