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Angels Camp Police Department
Tuesday September 5th, 2017 :: 05:07 p.m. PDT


Female reported to be acting "strange" in Paradise.


September 5, 2017

SUBJECT: ACPD Case # 17-0604
CONTACT: Teresa Johnson, Tel. (209)736-2567 /


On September 1, 2017 at approximately 6:00 pm, officers from the Angels Camp Police Department were dispatched to an area of Angels Creek off of Finnegan Lane referred to as “Paradise” for a female that was acting strange and possibly under the influence of drugs.

Officers arrived and located a 21 year old female approximately a half mile from the roadway, at the bottom of a steep access near the creek. The female had lodged herself in a crevasse between two large rocks and refused to come out. She made animated and erratic movements and was unable to sit still. She repeatedly hit her head on nearby rocks purposely causing injury to herself. She attempted to bite several of the emergency personnel providing her assistance, and she did successfully bite one of the ambulance crew members on the thigh.

Medical and fire units from the Angels Camp Fire Department, Altaville Melones Fire Protection District, Cal Fire, and American Legion Ambulance assisted officers by providing medical care for the female and extricating the female from the creek to an area hospital. Due to heavy vegetation and difficult terrain, it took the medical and fire units approximately 2 hours to safely remove her from the area. The female was transported via air ambulance to an area hospital for medical treatment.


Angels Camp Police Department
200 Monte Verda St
Angels Camp, CA 95222

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 209-736-2567

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