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Borough of Interlaken Police Department
Friday October 6th, 2017 :: 10:09 a.m. EDT


PRESS RELEASE: Deal Officers Involved in Narcan Save

DATE: October 6, 2017

LOCATION: Poplar Ave, Borough of Deal

OFFICERS INVOLVED: Sgt Nick Vaccaro, Ptl Dan Lokerson and Ptl Chris Mirrione

VICTIM: Male Age 43, West Long Branch, NJ


On October 3, 2017 at approximately 6:30pm, the Deal Police Department received a 911 call reporting a subject having difficulty breathing with a possible overdose on Poplar Ave in the Borough of Deal. Sgt Nick Vaccaro, Ptl Dan Lokerson and Ptl Chris Mirrione quickly arrived on scene and were confronted with a subject having difficulty breathing and turning blue. Officers quickly began life saving measures and Deal First Aid Squad arrived on scene a short time later.

Officers deployed Narcan on the victim which resulted in him rapidly re-gaining consciousness. Following the deployment of Narcan the victim made a quick recovery and was subsequently transported to Jersey Shore Medical Center by Deal First Aid for evaluation.

Sgt Brian Egan
Public Information Officer
(732) 531-1113

Deal Police Department
190 Norwood Ave
Deal, NJ 07755
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 732-531-1113

Borough of Interlaken Police Department
190 Norwood Ave
Deal, NJ 07723

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 732-531-7405

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