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Topsfield Police Dept.
Friday December 8th, 2017 :: 08:17 a.m. EST


Topsfield Police NEW 2 hour, “Firearms Safety Refresher Course” JAN 24,2018 6-8pm for existing LTC or FID holders.

The Topsfield Police Department will be sponsoring a two- hour, “Firearms Safety Refresher Course” for EXISTING HOLDERS OF A FIREARMS LICENSE TO CARRY OR FIREARMS IDENTIFICATION CARD ONLY.
This class would be for Topsfield Residents Only, who have their Firearms License to Carry or Firearms Identification card that wish to be informed on current laws pertaining to firearms, civilian use of force as well as firearm safety and operation of firearms.
The “Firearms Safety Refresher Course” will be held at the Topsfield Police Department, 210 Boston Street, Topsfield, MA on Wednesday January 24th from 6-8pm.
The class is limited to the first 15 participants.
Interested parties are to email Sgt. Neal Hovey at or call 978-887-6533 x 307 to register for the course. Presently there is no charge for the course.
(This course does not replace the 4-hour mandatory Basic Firearms Safety class that would be required for your License to Carry or Firearms Identification Card.)

*Attention Nixle users and potential users* Effective January 1st 2018, the Topsfield Police Department will be utilizing Essex Regional 911 Alerts. We ask that you visit or visit our Topsfield Police Facebook page to sign up.Thank you for your continued cooperation during this transition.

Topsfield Police Dept.
210 Boston Street
Topsfield, MA 01983

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 978-887-6533

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