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Pleasanton Police Department
Wednesday January 10th, 2018 :: 04:11 p.m. PST


City of Pleasanton Marijuana Guidelines

In 2016, California voters passed the Control, Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA; Proposition 64). The Act legalized non-medical use of marijuana by persons at least 21 years of age with some restrictions. Smoking marijuana remains prohibited while driving a vehicle, on school grounds when children are present, while in any public place and in any location in which smoking tobacco is prohibited.

The Act authorizes indoor cultivation of up to six marijuana plants per residence for personal, non-commercial use if the plants are inside a secured locked area and out of view of the public.

The Act authorizes cities and counties to govern, restrict or ban commercial marijuana activities within their jurisdiction beginning January 1st, 2018. The City of Pleasanton continues to prohibit commercial marijuana activities, including growing, cultivation, sales and transportation. In order to protect adjacent properties from fire hazards, visual blight, unpleasant odors and other objectionable impacts, no outdoor growing of marijuana is permitted within the City.

Driving under the influence of marijuana remains an arrestable offense and serious safety concern which will be strictly enforced by officers. Similar to alcohol, marijuana can not be smoked or ingested while driving or riding as a passenger in a vehicle. Marijuana products must remain in sealed containers while being transported in vehicles.

We understand there may be some confusion and concerns with the continued change in laws related to marijuana. It remains our goal to keep citizens informed and to maintain the highest level of safety in our community. Specific information regarding the City of Pleasanton’s marijuana regulations can be found in Chapter 6.18 of the Pleasanton Municipal Code available online at

Pleasanton Police Department
4833 Bernal Ave
Pleasanton, CA 94566

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 925-931-5100

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