Hockley County Sheriff's Office calls for service and activities for Thursday, 2/8/18. 
Good Friday morning! The following are calls for service and activities for the Sheriff’s Office for Thursday, 2/8/18.
-3900 blk Alaska Rd, Levelland: Civil Issue. A deputy was dispatched to a residence in the area related to a civil complaint. The deputy stayed on scene and civil remedies were advised.
-Hwy 114 at FM 168, Smyer: Reckless Driver. A deputy was notified of a reckless driver traveling westbound on Hwy 114 from Smyer. The area was checked between Levelland city limits and Smyer and the vehicle was not located.
-1800 blk Hwy 385, Levelland: Suspicious Activity. A deputy was dispatched to the area related to an individual going door-to-door. The individual was located and was selling items in the area. Information was collected. No offenses were reported.
-3100 blk Hwy 385, Levelland: Animal Complaint. A deputy responded to the area related to a complaint about conditions of animals. The property was checked with the owner and all animals had adequate food/water/shelter.
-3500 blk FM 303, Pettit: Animal Complaint. A deputy was notified of animal carcasses along the roadway. Several were located and deputies will follow-up until they are removed.
-FM 1490 at FM 2306, Levelland: Loose Livestock. A deputy was dispatched to attempt to locate two loose calves in the area. Two were located and secured. Owner was notified.
-FM 303 at Monaco Rd, Pettit: Loose Livestock. A deputy responded to a complaint of loose cattle in the area. Several cows were located and secured. Deputies are attempting to identify the owner.
Deputies also conducted close patrols/vacation watches, patrols in all areas of the county, civil process service, traffic enforcement, and investigative follow-up activities.
Jail population as of 2/9/18 at 0800 hours: 43 in Hockley County, 4 to be processed, 6 out of county.
We hope everyone has a very good and safe weekend!
Hockley County Sheriff's Office
1310 Ave H
Levelland, TX 79336
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 806-894-3126