How to claim car-killed deer 
Call DNR Non-Emergency Dispatch line to take possession of a car-killed deer. 608-267-7691, for general DNR information, 888-936-7463.
The 608 line is staffed daily 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. After hours, leave a voice message with: Your first and last name, please spell out, Your call back phone number with area code. Deer location, road name, township, county. Identify deer as buck, doe or fawn.
By leaving a voice message, you are authorized by the DNR to take possession of the car-killed carcass. You are required to take the WHOLE carcass: NOT just the head or other desired parts.
A DNR dispatcher will call you the next morning for additional information. If you do not receive a call back by noon the following day, please call again to verify your voice mail was received
Wood County Dispatch Center
400 Market St
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 715-421-8701